
BBQ Pet Safety Tips- What can my dog eat?

Written By: Caitlin Perna

It’s BBQ season!
Great weather, good food and lots of laughs

(Is it really a BBQ if you’re grilling burger and hot dogs? )

BBQ or cook out, we love ’em. Love the food. Love the friends and family. But what about for our 4-legged friends? It’s always a good idea to know what foods your pet can and cannot have, but with other people around you might have less control what they are given. Plenty of people love to share food with a dog, but they may not know what is poisonous to them.

Here is a list of food commonly found at a BBQ that should NOT be given to your dog:

  • Alcohol
  • Avocado
  • Chocaolate
  • Cherry pits
  • Garlic
  • Grapes
  • Onions/onion powder
  • Tomato leaves/stems

And of course, a list of foods NOT to give you cat. If you’re prepping food inside make sure to take care they do not sneak any bites.

  • Alcohol
  • Chocolate
  • Citrus fruits
  • Grapes
  • Dairy (many cats are lactose intolerant!)
  • Raw meet/fish
  • Onions
  • Garlic

We want everyone to have a safe and fun summer! If you’d like someone to come walk your dog before or during the gathering to help release some energy- book now! And if your event is else, we also offer drop-in visits for dogs and cats alike so no need to worry about leaving them too long or missing dinner.